Breaking Blob Leases via PowerShell

We are utilizing SQL Backup to Azure blob and had a meltdown today where the log backups were erroring out leaving us with 1TB files up in Azure that were locked.  Needless to say it happened late last night and so there were multiple hourly files in multiple folder structures all over our storage accounts.  It took a bit, but the following script clears out all the locks on blobs within a container in all directories.  Please use carefully and don’t run it against your “vhds” container!

Also, it requires the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll assembly from the Windows Azure Storage NuGet package.  You can grab this by downloading the commandline nuget file and running the below.  Note, it will dump the file you need into .WindowsAzure.Storage.<ver>libnet40

nuget.exe install WindowsAzure.Storage

Break lease Script Below – one line modification from


$storageAssemblyPath = $pwd.Path + "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll"

# Well known Restore Lease ID
$restoreLeaseId = "BAC2BAC2BAC2BAC2BAC2BAC2BAC2BAC2"

# Load the storage assembly without locking the file for the duration of the PowerShell session
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($storageAssemblyPath)

$cred = New-Object 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Auth.StorageCredentials' $storageAccount, $storageKey

$client = New-Object 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobClient' "https://$", $cred

$container = $client.GetContainerReference($blobContainer)

#list all the blobs in the container including subdirectories
$allBlobs = $container.ListBlobs($null,1)

$lockedBlobs = @()
# filter blobs that are have Lease Status as "locked"
foreach($blob in $allBlobs)
$blobProperties = $blob.Properties
if($blobProperties.LeaseStatus -eq "Locked")
$lockedBlobs += $blob


if ($lockedBlobs.Count -eq 0)
Write-Host " There are no blobs with locked lease status"
if($lockedBlobs.Count -gt 0)
write-host "Breaking leases"
foreach($blob in $lockedBlobs )
$blob.AcquireLease($null, $restoreLeaseId, $null, $null, $null)
Write-Host "The lease on $($blob.Uri) is a restore lease"
catch [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException]
if($_.Exception.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode -eq 409)
Write-Host "The lease on $($blob.Uri) is not a restore lease"

Write-Host "Breaking lease on $($blob.Uri)"
$blob.BreakLease($(New-TimeSpan), $null, $null, $null) | Out-Null


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