Project Server 2003

Let me count the ways Project Server 2003 sucks.

  1. The installation is crazy convoluted
  2. When using the ad sync, first or last name cannot contain a “-”, “[”, “]”, or an extra space at the end
  3. When using the ad sync, display name cannot contain an extra space at the end
  4. There is absolutely no online documentation for problem solving

For those that may be having similar problems that I am, and can’t find a solution to save themselves, I was getting multiple errors while using the AD Sync tool in Project Server 2003.  Additionally, apparantely, you can’t just have it sync with Domain Users for some unknown reason, it just plain doesn’t work.  However, there are other undocumented “features” like the above. 

For example, you may get the error:

Component: AD Connector
File: AutoADProcess
Line: -1
Description: CDATA[AD Res Pool Sync – PDS ADD Res failed : USERNAME]

Followed by:

Component: AD Connector
File: AutoADProcess
Line: -1
Description: CDATA[AD Res Pool Sync – failed to issue the PDS Resource Add request]

This error is because of either problems number two or three listed above.  Be sure to run through all usernames that are giving errors and correct them, because it appears as if one error causes the whole AD Sync script to fail.  That’s some quality coding right there.  Good error catching there MS.  Talk about crazy fun to troubleshoot.

Update 2/21/2006—This post has been updated to NOT break the RSS feed.