It’s slowly coming back, but you’ll need to bear with me. I’m still waiting on some hardware, which should come either today or tomorrow, but I’ve gotten the site back to where it was. However, it may go down at any time, and the other page may come back up. Hopefully it’ll stay up until I the hardware arrives and I take it down for the last time, and there will be a post mortem, it’s actually already started. But without further ado, here are the links that I thought were good enough to keep even with the downtime.
- Ethanol Not Really The Answer
- Gotta Love the Politicians
- Interesting New WebCam
- Collection of Many User Guides
- Human Camera
- The MySpace Phone
- Mini Margaritas
- The Best Tasting Ramen?
- States Suing Because of Truck Gas Mileage
- Awesome Lighting—I really want one of the table/desk ones.
- Philips New Razor—This one’s for Bree and Eric.
- Floating Books