SQL Dashboard 2005 for SQL 2008

  1. Install the Dashboard by running the msi, which will attempt to install to a default location of Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsPerformanceDashboard. Save the files to the Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsPerformanceDashboard directory instead
  2. Replace performance_dashboard_main.rdl in the PerformanceDashboard folder with the updated version attached below
  3. Open Management Studio and connect to the server and run the SETUP.SQL script (once for each SQL instance you want to monitor) located below and in attachment
  4. From Object Explorer select the server, right mouse click and choose Reports – Custom Reports and browse to find the PERFORMANCE_DASHBOARD_MAIN.RDL file. This report is the only report intended to be directly loaded from SSMS; all other reports are accessed as a drill through off of the main report

2008 Dashboard Zip