New Glasses

Well, I’ve finally gotten around to going to the optomitrist.  It’s probably been two years or so since the last time.  I just find it hard to justify going when I know I can see just fine.  However, I wanted a new pair of glasses.  The $300 alotment was burning a hole in my pocket.  Plus, I’ve had my current ones for over two years.  It was time to freshen up the style. 

I wanted a pair that was more dressy than the current ones I have.  I ended up with a pair of frameless ones.  They even came with clip on sunglasses too, which made the deal even sweeter.

I’ve actually had the new glasses for awhile.  However, when I originally got them, the end of one of the stems was cut off and they weren’t fitting quite right, so I returned them.  However, when I dropped them off, I didn’t bring the sunglasses clip that I received.

Two days ago I received the call that my glasses were back in and fixed.  Low and behold I got another pair of sunglasses with these!  Now I can keep one pair in the car and carry the other.  Awesome! 

Pictures may follow later today if I can find some decent lighting at home.

Merry Christmas to me!